Designing for Empathy, Aybars Asçi

Coming Soon: Value of Design

New Local Symposium Series

5x5 Participatory Provocations

Figure—Cast—Frame, Young Projects

Another Kind, PLP

(UN)REAL, Science Gallery Rotterdam

U.S. Embassy New Delhi, Weiss/Manfredi


Unboxing New York, ODA

Form Follows Feeling, Reddymade

With Reference, SCDA

ODA, Office of Design and Architecture

EXIT Architecture

Strange Objects, New Solids and Massive Things, Archi-Tectonics
(UN)REAL Exhibition Catalogue

Biodesign: From Inspiration to Integration

Form of Practice, Adele Naude

Playboy Architecture: 1953-1979

New Views: The Rendered Image in Architecture

DXA Ten Years

Lines of Investigation, TEN Arquitectos

Introducing, David Erdman

Pratt Sessions, Volumes 1 & 2

Studio of Experiments

Parsons SCE Thesis Books

XPositions: The Pavilion Dialogues
NYCxDesign Guide and Chicago Design Guide

Mass To Membrane, Nic Goldsmith

Building Great Schools for a Great City

A Decolonized & Decarbonized Dinner Party